The Players.
Of the visiting eleven the centre half was the only man who I thought might be worth picking up. The others were none better than there is at home. By the appearance of Stead, the new goalkeeper, I was very favourably impressed. It was a pity he did not get more to do, but what little he did get, was performed very cleverly. To my mind he has all the necessary qualifications for the post, and the Directors might do worse than sign him. Dr. Fleming presents the Shield. In handing over the Shield to the winning team. Dr. Fleming said the Aberdeen team, now that, the amalgamation had taken place, was very much like a Highland Regiment he knew where there were too many Irishmen in it. Up till Saturday this may have been quite true, but there were seven home-bred players in the eleven that won the Shield. In thanking all those who had so kindly assisted in the cause of charily, he trusted that by next year a scheme would be devised whereby the competition would receive the support he desired. Baillie Milne presided, and Henry Low accepted the Shield on behalf of the Aberdeen. Councillor Glass proposed a vote of thanks to the team, and Mr. Wyllie to the chairman, while Mr. D. B. Lothian conveyed the thanks of the Charity Committee to Mr. Nisbet for his services as Referee.Chatty Bits.
It is expected that there will be over £40 to hand over charity. The Inverness team came through for bare expenses, and so did Mr. Nisbet, the referee. This is as it should be. Mr. Nisbet's action was heartily applauded when he took te» field. All the players have now gone home for the vacation. The only player who, I am sorry, won't appear again is Rab Macfarlane. He was a general favourite with all, and his "shout" will be sadly missed. Rab was a little indiscreet in his terms, and this was the reason of the break-away with the directors. The sensation of the week has been Meredith's transfer to Manchester United from the City. It was not expected anything would be done with this player thill the Commission reported on his case. Bob Templeton will appear for the Celts next season . He was sought after by Rangers and Aberdeen. There will be general satisfaction at Aberdeen having last year's middle line intact for next season. They were a good line. McKinley, who comes from Dumbarton as a centre forward, has a great reputation in the south. Port-Glasgow and other clubs were after him. There is to be a nice kettle of fish over Stewart's transfer to Manchester City for £650. This is a fabulous price to pay for any player. Bobby Walker is to stay with the Hearts after all. This will be good news to Tynecastle people. In the five-a-side tournament next week at Pittodrie there is a chance of some new blood being introduced in some of the events. The entries to date are numerous, and the committee will have their work cut out to get through with their programme. In addition to the items advertised, there is to be competition amongst the old players of the Aberdeen, Orion, and United. This should prove a draw of itself. Mr. Philip, after attending the League meeting on Monday went away further afield in search of talent. When we went to press there was no new capture from the "seat of war."Source: Bon-Accord, 24th May 1906
Source: Aberdeen Daily Journal, 21st May 1906